Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Effective Advertising - Some Barriers

Coming to the effective advertising, there is a lot to the advertising industry. In this post, I am going to talk in – depth about effective advertising. The advertising industry itself is the most quality – lacking industry and this statement is based on testing made over several decades. It has been noticed in last couple of decades, only half of the advertisements work and have a good effect on consumer behavior, rest half have been misleading the consumers and been a cause for companies’ declining sales. Also, the cause for advertisements to be non – effective has been found out which is that the advertising agencies or companies that publish or create these ads do not test the advertisement before airing it. So, none of the makers know if the advertisement is any good or not. Furthermore, there are also many barriers that are caused to effective advertising. Firstly, it is sell – delusion, meaning that the makers of the advertisement feel that there is no need for an objective evaluation or test of the ad and prefer airing the ad just like that. Secondly, people think that sales performance of a product can tell if the advertisement is working but that’s not true because some advertisement can take even less than weeks to work and some might not even work till some months and after that may flourish, so it’s nearly not fair to say that advertisements’ performance can actually be interpreted through the sales response. Another barrier is a poor or lack of a strategy, in which a client did not really do a research upon his product and just made an advertisement. This lack of research and homework can lead to an advertisement that the public might really get attracted to which further will not help self the product efficiently. As a conclusion, I’d like to say that an advertisement maker should always be considerate of strategy and plan before he makes one. So, that’s all for this post folks! I hope you all liked it and found it informative. Also, do let me know some more barriers if you know.
Hope to receive some really helpful comments from you!
Also, I have a link below on a better advertising technique, do not forget to watch it!

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