Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Creating an advertisement

In the previous post, I mentioned some of the barriers as to why advertising has been a failure to many companies. But in order to correct advertising, I’ve got some really feasible and most likely to succeed methods. To create a better advertising, the first and foremost thing one needs to do is build a strategy for its brand which is thoroughly based on facts and not on self – delusion, wishful thinking or convenience. Once the strategy and positioning alternatives have been plotted and tested, the strategy should be locked down and should remain unchanged thereafter. 

Secondly, a pretesting procedure should be followed. A pretesting basically means that as and when creative executions are developed against the strategy, each of the executions should be pretested among the members of the target audience before it is aired officially. Pretesting helps get some reliable results and as more and more pretests are delivered, the advertisement is likely to emerge as a quality product. Another thing that could help maintain the quality of ads is just consistently using the same method of pretesting over and over. Last aspect that could help create an effective advertisement would be to sum up all the key variables intelligently to get a composite ad. The variables could be the registered brand name, ad graphics etc. out of which absence of any could lead the advertisement to be a failure. All these key ingredients if taken on into account, could help create a very imperative advertisement. 

Here’s something that can help create a very imperative advertisement.

Hope you found my post informative. You can add more to these aspects as well in the comments below.

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