Saturday, March 7, 2015

Effective advertisements vs. ineffective advertisements.

Hi there! Today, I’m going to compare effective and ineffective advertising on certain aspects. This post is all about effective advertising versus ineffective advertising. So, let’s start.

Effective Advertising
Ineffective Advertising
An effective ad always has the ability to attract attention of its audience and keep it involved as well
An ineffective ad lacks the capability of attracting the attention of audience and are generally ignored by the audiences
An effective ad always has a little sense of humour in it which makes the audience more indulged and excited about it which leaves a good impact on them, tempting them to buy the product
Ineffective ads completely lack humour and are boring that no one really wants to watch it or even see a glimpse of it.
The ineffective ads always include the brand name and surely repeats the brand name at the end of the brand
But the ineffective ones always miss the brand names, making the advertisement look vague.

An effective ad always has a catchy heading.
Whereas, ineffective ads lack a heading or might have a very common one.
Effective ads give a clear description of the product like its features, benefits etc.
These ads never have a clarity as to why the product is better and superior to other brands leading to creation of zero impact on the audiences.
These ads have the ability to create a customer rapport by way of providing information as to how the customers can convey their grievances to the company and the company will take care about that
These ads never make the customers feel that the company would be concerned about their grievances if they buy its products.

Above were some differences and comparisons between effective and ineffective advertising.
I hope this post was pretty much useful for you.

Please leave your comments below and let me know if you have some more on your mind. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Your ads need all of them!

Here are some miscellaneous points one must be considerate of while making an advertisement. Many of the best performing ads have taken them into account and have shown great results. First and the foremost thing is Simplicity. Simplicity is something that everyone appreciates. Your ad depicting a scenario is a simple manner can make the scenario more understandable and memorable. Making the ad complex or combined with a lot of short stories can create an utter confusion and a sense of obscurity. Second comes the Storytelling. A good ad has a great storyline that makes it more understandable, interesting and engages the audience into it completely. A story makes it easier for the audience to relate to the ad. Furthermore, we have Humor. The humor in the ads should be added according to the age the ad is made for. For example – the humor in the ad for a teenager will be way different from an ad for old age people. But the key point is that every ad should have an element of humor in it to make it more interesting.
Another thing that an advertisement should never lack is Relatable Situations. It should be able to connect the audience with itself. This can be done by making ads based on situations that everyone faces almost every – day. This conveys the direct message of the product to the audience which helps them make an easy – buying decision.  And lastly, the ad should have a good Branding. Branding basically means giving your ad a specific or signature audio or video or a symbol that helps the audience to identify your brand easily. This makes the ad stronger and also gives it a good differentiation from other brands in the market. All these key components can really make an ad effective and strong enough.
Hope you liked this post. Do not forget to comment below. I’ll be back with another post soon.

Creativity - Key to successful advertising!

Hi! My previous post was about the five elements that help create an imperative advertisement. In this post, I’d like to discuss creativity and its parts that redefine an ad and give it a new outlook. Creative advertising is basically the form of advertising involving some innovative methods that make the ad long lasting, more memorable that solely works with less media spending and building a greater customer base. The first part of creativity is originality. Originality is basically those out of box ideas that are very new and fresh and haven’t been used by anyone in the past. These ideas create an interest in the ads and surprise the viewers which instigates in them the curiosity to try the product. It makes the ad so eye catching that one would repetitively like to watch or read it. Secondly, meaningfulness is something that an ad demands. The message behind the ad makes the ad memorable. It will create viewers’ interest in the ad and also spread the message easily at a greater level. It also specifies the characteristics of the product and gives the customer a desire to buy it by tempting him. Lastly, the ad should have a sense of connectivity. With the utter help of connectivity, the customers will feel connected to the ad and will be able to relate to it as well. All three of these help to make an advertisement creative and unique which automatically adds up to the sales of the product. Also, an important thing about creativity is that it should be within the restricted constraints of the society like age, gender, culture etc.

Hope you all liked this post. I’ll surely post some more soon. Hope to see your views in comments. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Five Ms of Advertising

If you want to make a very imperative and effective advertisement, you need to keep in consideration the five M’s of advertising. These five elements can help really help make a feasible yet impactful advertisement. So, the first and the foremost element that comes up is “Mission. A mission or a strong cause is very important in an advertisement. The advertisement you create should depict its real reason and basis for publicising it in generic terms. It should be very clear from the ad that what it is about. Secondly, Money is another major thing you need to keep in mind. You don’t want to create an advertisement that requires a huge budget. It should be feasible and a reasonable budget demanding advertisement. You need to cut any extra costs and avoid wasting money at every point.
Moving on, the next factor is Message. Now, it’s very important for your ad to convey a certain message. If a viewer or a customer cannot understand what you ad is about or which product it is publicising, then your ad is certainly a failure, because that’s what an ad is all about, to convey properly and clearly about the product. The fourth most important element is Media. It is all your job to decide which channel of media you want to choose for airing your ad. You need to choose a media that is best in publicising and making your ad a hit. Most of the commonly used media are television, newspaper or online media etc. You can make an ad that is best suitable for all types of media, that is, for example you can air them on both the television and online media. The last and very important element is Measurement. Measurement here, basically means that while you create the ad, you keep in mind the total effectiveness of your advertisement, that is, who is it reaching, the way it is resonating customers and what are their reactions in response to that. This helps you to maximise the effectiveness of the advertisement you create. All these factors all so essential in creating an ad that if missed any single, the advertisement would be a failure.
Hope you found my post informative and interesting. Please do not forget to leave some comments.
Here is a link as to how an advertisement really should be.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Creating an advertisement

In the previous post, I mentioned some of the barriers as to why advertising has been a failure to many companies. But in order to correct advertising, I’ve got some really feasible and most likely to succeed methods. To create a better advertising, the first and foremost thing one needs to do is build a strategy for its brand which is thoroughly based on facts and not on self – delusion, wishful thinking or convenience. Once the strategy and positioning alternatives have been plotted and tested, the strategy should be locked down and should remain unchanged thereafter. 

Secondly, a pretesting procedure should be followed. A pretesting basically means that as and when creative executions are developed against the strategy, each of the executions should be pretested among the members of the target audience before it is aired officially. Pretesting helps get some reliable results and as more and more pretests are delivered, the advertisement is likely to emerge as a quality product. Another thing that could help maintain the quality of ads is just consistently using the same method of pretesting over and over. Last aspect that could help create an effective advertisement would be to sum up all the key variables intelligently to get a composite ad. The variables could be the registered brand name, ad graphics etc. out of which absence of any could lead the advertisement to be a failure. All these key ingredients if taken on into account, could help create a very imperative advertisement. 

Here’s something that can help create a very imperative advertisement.

Hope you found my post informative. You can add more to these aspects as well in the comments below.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Effective Advertising - Some Barriers

Coming to the effective advertising, there is a lot to the advertising industry. In this post, I am going to talk in – depth about effective advertising. The advertising industry itself is the most quality – lacking industry and this statement is based on testing made over several decades. It has been noticed in last couple of decades, only half of the advertisements work and have a good effect on consumer behavior, rest half have been misleading the consumers and been a cause for companies’ declining sales. Also, the cause for advertisements to be non – effective has been found out which is that the advertising agencies or companies that publish or create these ads do not test the advertisement before airing it. So, none of the makers know if the advertisement is any good or not. Furthermore, there are also many barriers that are caused to effective advertising. Firstly, it is sell – delusion, meaning that the makers of the advertisement feel that there is no need for an objective evaluation or test of the ad and prefer airing the ad just like that. Secondly, people think that sales performance of a product can tell if the advertisement is working but that’s not true because some advertisement can take even less than weeks to work and some might not even work till some months and after that may flourish, so it’s nearly not fair to say that advertisements’ performance can actually be interpreted through the sales response. Another barrier is a poor or lack of a strategy, in which a client did not really do a research upon his product and just made an advertisement. This lack of research and homework can lead to an advertisement that the public might really get attracted to which further will not help self the product efficiently. As a conclusion, I’d like to say that an advertisement maker should always be considerate of strategy and plan before he makes one. So, that’s all for this post folks! I hope you all liked it and found it informative. Also, do let me know some more barriers if you know.
Hope to receive some really helpful comments from you!
Also, I have a link below on a better advertising technique, do not forget to watch it!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Effective Advertising - An introduction

Hi there! It’s time to get started on some interesting information about effective advertising. Now, first and the foremost thing, what is advertising? Well, Advertising is basically publicising about a product, a service or something of a commercial use. There is a lot of advertising going on everywhere in the world. Be it about a car or a hair - clip, each and everything in this world today, needs advertising, and why not, every product has to be advertised if the producer wants to sell it. Without advertising, it’s really hard to make the people buy your stuff. But nowadays, there have been lot many ways of advertising, especially aggressive advertising, of which some are leading to erroneous publicity of products and services making customers lose their money and faith in such products. Also, it can leave a terrible effect on the people, because of the mistaken product they buy.
This problem needs to be attended very seriously as this can lead to some huge damages and in order to avoid this, the advertisers should adopt effective advertising methods. Yes, that’s what we are going to talk about all the way. How to deal with advertising in an effective manner that most importantly helps the consumers in buying and on the other hand, the producers to sell to the maximum. I’ll be certainly talking about effective advertising in my up coming posts.

For more information about advertising, you can check out this video below.

I’d love to know what my readers think about my post, so feel free to leave you opinions in the comments below.